"Kaala" or "Kala" is "Time", and Kaala Sarpa Dosha is the time of our vulnerability when the times or phases of our life are going against us, with people having to work much harder than they should and not getting good returns on their work; Nivarana = Remedy or Clearing. So the powerful mantra chants are done to turn around the difficult times in our lives by clearing in layers the Rahu and Ketu Doshas (Rahu and Ketu are two Vedic Astrological Planets who will bottle up all the good planets between them, denying or delaying to an extreme extent the benefits of your work or relationships).
The video starts with a beautiful view of the GuruVayur Temple and some of the scenes to highlight the serene beauty of South India. Then it shows the Venkataa Chalapati Temple Complex which is over 500 years old. This is a holy place where prayers have been said by a team of priests each day after it was constructed. Sitting on the coast of Arabian sea, this picturesque place near Kochi, Kerala, is in South India. The homa is performed in an outer hall open to the outside to let the smoke out, and during the homa, it was raining heavily drowning out the audio at times. There is only one person representing the MitraKalyan group even if the homa - the Sacred Vedic Fire Ceremony is performed for many families from around the world, with the intent (Sankalpa) also set to benefit all those who will view this DVD later.
"Kaala Sarpa Dosha Nivaarana" Is To Turn Bad Times Around
"Kaala" means "time", "Sarpa" is the Vedic Astrological planet Rahu, and the Ketu forming a serpent. In a horoscope, 12 static houses and 9 Vedic astrological planets moving through create several effects in our life. Rahu and Ketu become powerful at times and nullify the benefits of good influences of the other planets. 90% of people go through some period in life with these issues - generally upto age 47, but in some cases some are troubled throughout their lifetimes if the Doshas are not corrected. After age 47 if these conditions persist, unless one performs many homas or pariharams (to remedy) these conditions will intensify resulting in a death-struggle. Ketu-Doshas and Rahu-Doshas are the hardest periods (paying back karma) or the most important periods (evolving higher consciousness).
- 1. ANANTA KALA SARPA DOSHAM: Troubles in family, and chronic health problems.
- 2. GULIKA KALASARPA DOSHAM:: Financial and domestic troubles.
- 3. VASUKI KALA SARPA DOSHAM: Problems with siblings.
- 4. SHANKAPALA KALA SARPA DOSHAM: Problems with mother, vehicles and at residence.
- 5. PADMAKALA SARPA YOGAM: Problems with spouse and with children.
- 6. MAHA PADMA KALA SARPA DOSHAM: Health problems, debts, enemies.
- 7. TAKSHAKA KALA SARPA YOGAM: Loss in business and problems in matrimonial life.
- 8. KARKOTAKA KALA SARPA YOGAM: Problems with wife and accidents.
- 9. SHANKACHOODA KALA SARPA YOGAM: Problems with father, heavy bad luck.
- 10. GHATAKA KALA SARPA YOGAM: Problem in business and job fronts.
- 11. VISHADHARA KALA SARPA YOGAM: Problems in financial business terms.
- 12. SESHANAGA KALA SARPA YOGAM: Mounting expenditure and enemies.
If during early periods in life, one of the above conditions occur, and is not cleared, it is not unusual for someone to have residual effects linger into one or more of the other condition in time. So, if you see three or four of the above conditions, you may have to watch the DVD several times each year (or perform many prayers or homas) till the problems are cleared - as the problems clear in layers.
For those who wish to play it on Laptops or PCs, you need to download a K-lite CODEC (free on Internet) so that Windows Media Player will play this DVD.
This DVD is priced at $30 and can be purchased from amazon.com
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